Venue : YMCA HALL, Trivandrum
Dates : 4 April - 9 May 2025

Swadeshi Training Highlights:

1. April 4,5,6 - Soap Making
2. April 7,8 - Consumer Products
3. April 9,10 - Millet Training
4. April 11,12,13 - Food Processing
5. April 14,15,16 - Jackfruit Products
6. April 21,22 - Curry Masala Powder
7. April 23,24 - Pickle Making
8. April 25,26,27 - Cake Making
9.April 28,29 - Cake Decoration & Icing
10.April 30,May 1 - Paper Bag
11.May 2,3,4 -  Bakery Snacks
12.May 5,6, 7 - Ice Cream, Fruit Salad & Pudding
13.May 8,9 - Prakruti Krishi & Mattuppavu Krishi

Timing : 10am - 4.30pm
Training Material Fee :
Rs.500 each for 3 days  Course
Rs.300 each for 2 days Course
Rs. 500 each for Pickle Making & Masala Powder Making Courses.
& Rs. 1000 for Cake Decoration Course.

For details : 9447154338,9995544552 & 9495954338
Web : www.swadeshikerala.in
YouTube : Swadeshi GCRD News

Dr.Jacob Pulickan
Founder & Director,
Gandhi Centre for Rural Development & SWADESH

VIP i bonusy

Na stronie promocyjnej Spinbeter Kasyno można znaleźć wszystkie oferty specjalne dla nowych graczy, jak i tych, którzy mają już aktywne konto. Nowi członkowie są uprawnieni do otrzymania bonusu powitalnego, a w dłuższej perspektywie mogą wzmocnić swój bankroll korzystając z bonusów doładowujących. Zestaw promocji jest często aktualizowany, więc częste wizyty w sekcji ofert specjalnych pozwolą graczom być na bieżąco.

Niektóre promocje wzajemnie się wykluczają, więc musisz obrócić istniejącym bonusem, zanim zapiszesz się do innej oferty. Istnieje kilka wyjątków od reguły, a gracze gromadzą punkty lojalnościowe za każdym razem, gdy stawiają zakłady w prawdziwej walucie. Kasyno chwali się, że ceni lojalność i ma specjalny program dla tych, którzy są skłonni spędzić dużo czasu grając tutaj. Gracze są automatycznie zapisywani do programu lojalnościowego, więc mogą korzystać z jego dobrodziejstw zaraz po zakończeniu procesu rejestracji i dokonaniu depozytu.








The State of Kerala, which is situated at the southern part of India has many successful stories and become a model state in many important aspects. We would like to share with you such an important experiment – the Swadeshi Movement, which has got wider acceptance and public attention among the people of Kerala.

Swadeshi is the concept coined by Mahatma Gandhi for the economic regeneration of the common people. The Swadeshi Movement in Kerala tries to regenerate the Swadeshi Spirit among the people of Kerala, especially among the school students and it has become a very successful experiment, which gives employment to more than 1,25,000 common people. The movement visualizes the production and distribution of all commodities of daily use by each and everybody. The movement is initiated by the Centre for Gandhian Studies of the University of Kerala when Dr.Jacob Pulickan was its Director and is coordinated by the Gandhi Centre for Rural Development (GCRD Swadeshi Trust).

The Swadeshi Movement is the direct outcome of the extension activities initiated by the Centre for Gandhian Studies of the University of Kerala under the dirctorship of Dr.Jacob Pulickan as an income generating programme. The first activity selected by the Centre was the Soap Making. It became very successful and this led to the starting of the training courses in Soap Products Making. Slowly these training courses became the best training programme in Kerala which necessitated the formation of a separate organisation for coordinating the Swadeshi training programmes, supply of raw materials and allied support items, starting of small production centres and door to door village level marketing network.


GCRD Swadeshi Centre
Bund Road, Marappalam, Pattom,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala-695004, India
Mobile : 9447154338, 94959 54338.
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